Un proyecto indigena de ayuda al desarrollo humano de Europa

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009

Hasil Pencarian Iklan lynn margulis blog tour starts

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Hasil Pencarian di Internet

Microbes 'R' Us - Olivia Judson Blog - NYTimes.com
Start eating more plants and you can shift the balance back, and increase the diversity of your gut microbes. Your own genetic background may play a role as well, though we are far from understanding how, or how much. .. Lynn Margulis and Karlene Schwartz, on pg 44 of their book “Five Kingdoms” say that roughly 10 percent of mammalian dry body mass is made of bacteria. There's no reference for that, but even if it's accurate to an order of magnitude it's pretty
Sumber: http://judson.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/07/21/microbes-r-us/

SimBioDiversidad: Googlosaurus: simbiodiversidad
SimBioDiversidad: El Nudismo al Desnudo: reflexiones y propuestas nudistas · PDF · Imprimir ene-naturismo.org/otras.html?start=22 - En caché - Similares. La Web. Resultados 61 - 70 de aproximadamente 1.310 de simbiodiversidad. (0,13 segundos) . Hasil Pencarian Iklan Tentang Pharyngula: Lynn Margulis Blog Tour SimBioDiversidad: quien es Lynn Margulis Sumber: http://simbiodiversidad.blogspot.com/2009/01/quien-es-lynn-margulis.html iklanbarisgratis.info/.
Sumber: http://simbiodiversidad.blogspot.com/2009/07/googlosaurus-simbiodiversidad.html

From Sputnik to Sagan: Some Views on Science – The Art of Teaching
So this brilliant scientist was denied admission to this society, and as Lynn Margulis wrote to him: “They are jealous of your communication skills, charm, good looks and outspoken attitude especially on nuclear winter” (Mooney & Kirshenbaum, p. 40). Scientists in various space programs are exploring the universe, trying to answer some very fundamental questions like “How did it all start?”, “How did life begin?” and “Are we alone out here?”. To my own astonishment,
Sumber: http://www.artofteachingscience.org/?p=1917

Guest Column: Heavy Weather - Olivia Judson Blog - NYTimes.com
In the 1970s, Carl Sagan (who I believe shared an office with Lovelock at one point, and whose first wife, Lynn Margulis, was intimately involved in the development of Lovelock's theories) brought the “faint young sun” paradox to the .. Dealing basically with survey of land/ earth, a Civil Engineering student is advised to “Start from the whole to the part, and not from part to the whole”. Therefore, I am sorry to say that perhaps Gene Krammer (# 6) fails to take into
Sumber: http://judson.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/06/16/guest-column-heavy-weather/

Dennett, Dawkins, Metaphor, and Much More by Matthew Segall — Gaia
Read Matthew Segall's latest blog entry titled Dennett, Dawkins, Metaphor, and Much More on Gaia Community. I tend to prefer the paradigm offered by other biologists like Lynn Margulis, Francisco Varela, Richard Lewontin, and Stuart Kauffman. Dawkins is easy to caricature and I may have done so in my video, which is what has flustered you so. While I realize he obviously realizes all the other factors involved in getting the DNA to do its work,
Sumber: http://karmabuster.gaia.com/blog/2009/5/dennett-dawkins-metaphor-and-much-more

SciLink Spotlight - Tom Plasterer: How a system's approach will
I came across Lynn Margulis and Dorian Sagan's Microcosmos, a wonderful treatise on the role of symbiosis in eukaryotic evolution, and wanted to pursue a few ideas on the putative bacterial origin of the structural protein tubulin. After graduating I joined Beyond Genomics, a Waltham, Massachusetts based systems biology start-up. In those days BG was more of a technology shop interested in developing mass spectroscopy approaches to measuring systems, primarily in
Sumber: http://blog.scilink.com/?p=55

Science Fame: Million Dollar Minutes - Acronym Required
But then again perhaps he was coveting a more cordial reception, like the one Pharyngula gave to Lynn Margulis when Myers hosted her earlier this year. True, Margulis is renowned for cell biology she did 15, 20, 30 or so years ago on endosymbiotic . "Many publishing houses have now hired Web-savvy publicists or outside blog tour “producers.†Some blog tour producers say they have, from time to time, paid bloggers to review an author’s book as part of a tour.
Sumber: http://acronymrequired.com/2007/08/myers-pivar-fame-art.html

lynn margulis blog tour starts
lynn margulis has posted a statement to which people are welcome to respond on pharyngula. click here to visit and participate: lynn margulis blog tour.
Sumber: http://gregladen.com/wordpress/?p=487

Pharyngula: Lynn Margulis blog tour
Lynn Margulis has sent the opening statement for her blog tour below. You should feel free to respond to it, raise other questions of any relevant sort, or say whatever you want in the comments; she'll be along later today singulary cause "aids" the important thing is to start demanding these agents are in place for every human effected by this blame it on "oxidizing hiv tat" or gp120 , is it multi - fractractial when combined with oxidizing agents like
Sumber: http://scienceblogs.com/pharyngula/2007/03/lynn_margulis_blog_tour.php

Lynn Margulis: "Definitely a Darwinist" - The Panda's Thumb
Michod's talk was the perfect lead-in for the penultimate lecture of the conference by the acknowledged star of the weekend, Lynn Margulis, famous for her pioneering research on symbiogenesis. Margulis began graciously by Every time I wrote a Timmy comment, I attempted to start with a creationist claim which was made above in the comments, and, by applying that logic, arrive at something so profoundly dumb that even the initial creationist couldn't abide it.
Sumber: http://pandasthumb.org/archives/2005/09/lynn-margulis-d.html

Motherly and All-Inklusive Language

Motherly Language, apart from being your own mother language, is the sume of all the mother languages in the world. And their possible combinations.

But here the point also is about the Actual Matriztik Language that is keeping under the patristic history changes.

To discover Actual Matriztik Language From Our Own Mother Language Is not Dificult at all.
All you need is a computer, for example, and/or some dictionary with etimologies.

It is the same case to know the characteristics of geological materials in some place beyond your national frontiers. Imagine that you are a militar geologist and you have no access to the mountains from where that geological, sedimentary materials come from. Maybe because the other country is not friend, and don't want your country to know about that "militar information".

In this case you have the sediments along a river, for example. In our case, these sediments are the information in dictionaries, www included...

Etimologies will wide your previous perspective whatever term you should interested in.

One dimension are etimologies, "per se". Another one is the language you woul consider. Best if you meet a "multilanguage dictionary" where diferent languages give their corresponding terms. This multilanguage wisdomscape give automatically a very good info for your semantic and etimology search. It is very interesting to wonders about the denial of etimologies in formal learning, whatever field of knowledge we could considerate...

When your "detestivesque" work about multilanguage etimologies is advancing, your intuitions are being essayed more and more, in the way that you are reffinning your own experience and knowledge in such a crucial aspect for our own Construction of reality, because words are the basic blocks with whom language, and knowledge, --... and "Reality" is gradualy constructed.

With that Neurosemantic Amplifying Process, is also an increase in your own creativity. And here we can speak about "All-Inclusive-Language" or actualy "MultiLanguage" (or Multilanguage-Language).

All-Inklusive-Language is the same as "All-Inklusive" Hotel. There you should make all the possibilities accepted by the rules.

Well, All-Inklusive-Language, by definition permits whatever language you would consider to include in whatever space of a certain, for example, web space.

"Guay Gueby Gueb", or the "Gueb of Guebys" is Such a Formidable Space for a Free Language Experimentation during last years.

Freely practising of All-Inklusive-Language is may be the best way to "mental free exercise" to approach and to comprehend, or to understand, all the Wide Historic Semantic Territories from where Matriztik Language May be Derived.

Anyway don't worry about that because in this GuayGuebyGueb you would easily meet many examples, as facilitators for, maybe, your own semantic-etimology endeavour.

MotherlyLanguing from Andalunglish

Andalunglish, as espanglish, is composed of a fuzzy set of memes, or terms, built from two mother languages: English and Andalusian.

A formidable discovering for us have been, and being, the awarenness of the power of your own mother language "in action", specially when this mother language have been sequestered by another not-mother language, as is the spanish case in Andalucía.

After a supossed well-accepted history of Andalousian language denial (Here we are interested mainly in writen texts), our own andalusian writing experience is showing us that the recovery in our own texts, of Andalusian, produce a very strange and surprising effect in our own neurosemantic networking-and-reasoning...

Here Andalunglish is being growing after adding any other language freely combined with english and or Andalusian.

We never will thank enough to RR, my friend and University of Málaga Companion, for practising in this frontier and truly formidable language: Andalunglish. After a life spontaneously practising Andalusian, but having never write it, specialy in formal (or serious) writings, our discovering is simply reflected here in the top of this blog.

Well, we wanted to build something from "GLO", about glokal, global, and lokal, to following creating about "glokality", a very interesting dimension of our Quality Democracy Index.

In Andalusian you change easily the order of syllabs or fonemas. And thus, "Blog" may become Glob, or "Glo". This blog have been the result .

For The name of this blog the process is here above explained has a transformation function...

The process is very easy: You discover a very good semantic implosion. For example: "Priority Science". When this idea arrive at your brain, your endorfinised neurons begin to dancing and more dancing, as the power of the abduction of a certain idea is correlated (moreorless) with their originality ratio. I have not still looked at Web Searchers, but I feel that "Priority Science in 64 pills" would be a atractive title for a possible web/or/and/paper-book. Walking from Rincón de la Victoria to Málaga at very first light in the morning with almost full moon, I begin to connect (reconnect anyway, because ideas come and go in diversity of moments and semantical constructions) the possible chapters:

Mirror Neurons through Brain-Ecosystem model... passing by the "organism-environment station", and seeing the cuestion as a neural map where "in" and "out" from a human impossible center also disappears /and/or evapporate...

FuzzyLogic through Infimonikal System....because InSys

Is derivated from fuzzylogic, as this was derivated from o/i aristotelic "bipolar" logic.

Abduction through "Afrika se llama el Futuro".
((The Main Western Thinking revolution takes softly us through the actual citizen proactive participation methods and/or ways of life that are very well rooted in Nowadays Afrika, but are "very endangered" semantic and social species in this side of the mirror, that is in Europe... And now are urgent for implementing in Chaotic European Systems such as European Transportations Systems that in general have forgiven, in this way, Very Efficient Transportation Systems that are present in Afrika (¡Is the Future!) from North to South, and in many continents and countries))

Well, About This Blog Name, Again, ¡JiJiJi!
You spell "Priority Science" in Andalusian one time and another, until "pulverise" it, that is, changing and tunning more and more until you obtain "The Best Solution". Here the best solution is the title of this blog: "PuerityZaya", that have a double "prize" inside.
In andalusian (freely spoken) you obtain this solution, because when you spell that, you are actualy saying "Priority Science" in Andalusian.
Puerity was considered a very good solution in this trans-transversal traduction process, because "puerity Science would be a very good candidate for the science we usually make. For children, and from children. "peterPan science"...

And "Zaya" (also present -moreorless - in Zangaya) remember us our mountain young friend: Zaïdïa. zaya I think is also a "correct" word in spanish...

Aquí en Grafía Turka

Estamos aqui (mirar

Tuesday, August 04, 2009)

y no puedo poner acentos porque tengo un teclado turco que tıene varıas ııııs y nıngun sımbolo conocıdo y muchos öööö y çççç y un lıo del monte pıoooo, ja! aquı sın acentos, un estres menos
llevo un rato peleandome con la tecnologıa, el ıphone de mıs compıs que no se conecta, ahora ya sı, entre el arquıtecto y su pacıencıa y un poco de ınglıs en recepcıon... ya andan!!!
ahora estoy en un equıpo de ellos, se parten de rısa porque no doy una... yo que me estaba quıtando de la tecnologıa... y resulta que no puedes!!!!
es genıal ver el explorerrrr en turcoö, a ver como borro las contraseşasss,