Un proyecto indigena de ayuda al desarrollo humano de Europa

sábado, 8 de agosto de 2009

Motherly and All-Inklusive Language

Motherly Language, apart from being your own mother language, is the sume of all the mother languages in the world. And their possible combinations.

But here the point also is about the Actual Matriztik Language that is keeping under the patristic history changes.

To discover Actual Matriztik Language From Our Own Mother Language Is not Dificult at all.
All you need is a computer, for example, and/or some dictionary with etimologies.

It is the same case to know the characteristics of geological materials in some place beyond your national frontiers. Imagine that you are a militar geologist and you have no access to the mountains from where that geological, sedimentary materials come from. Maybe because the other country is not friend, and don't want your country to know about that "militar information".

In this case you have the sediments along a river, for example. In our case, these sediments are the information in dictionaries, www included...

Etimologies will wide your previous perspective whatever term you should interested in.

One dimension are etimologies, "per se". Another one is the language you woul consider. Best if you meet a "multilanguage dictionary" where diferent languages give their corresponding terms. This multilanguage wisdomscape give automatically a very good info for your semantic and etimology search. It is very interesting to wonders about the denial of etimologies in formal learning, whatever field of knowledge we could considerate...

When your "detestivesque" work about multilanguage etimologies is advancing, your intuitions are being essayed more and more, in the way that you are reffinning your own experience and knowledge in such a crucial aspect for our own Construction of reality, because words are the basic blocks with whom language, and knowledge, --... and "Reality" is gradualy constructed.

With that Neurosemantic Amplifying Process, is also an increase in your own creativity. And here we can speak about "All-Inclusive-Language" or actualy "MultiLanguage" (or Multilanguage-Language).

All-Inklusive-Language is the same as "All-Inklusive" Hotel. There you should make all the possibilities accepted by the rules.

Well, All-Inklusive-Language, by definition permits whatever language you would consider to include in whatever space of a certain, for example, web space.

"Guay Gueby Gueb", or the "Gueb of Guebys" is Such a Formidable Space for a Free Language Experimentation during last years.

Freely practising of All-Inklusive-Language is may be the best way to "mental free exercise" to approach and to comprehend, or to understand, all the Wide Historic Semantic Territories from where Matriztik Language May be Derived.

Anyway don't worry about that because in this GuayGuebyGueb you would easily meet many examples, as facilitators for, maybe, your own semantic-etimology endeavour.

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Puerity Zaya -- Periority Zeien -- Priority Science